Parmis means “corner of paradise” or “little paradise”. In the work he created, Saadi describes the hopelessness, effort and turmoil of life that we experience in daily life at the left side of the artwork. Unhappiness and despair are evident in the figures of women, men and animals seen in the left side of the artwork. In everyday life, most people struggle in this turmoil, are defeated and accept unhappiness and hopelessness. The people in the pursuit of happiness harms himself and cannot reach the happiness he desires. When we look at this part of the work, we see that Ahad uses very cold and concrete colors. In the central part of the painting, a young woman on a blue horse is struggling for her life towards the right side of the work, towards the light and heaven, as if it represents the attainment of happiness that one desires. The meaning of the young woman’s movement towards the right side of the work is that the right side expresses the brightness and light in world literature. For this reason, the young woman on the blue horse approaches the right side to attain happiness. According to Saadi, the blue horse is actually the symbol of peace, effort and resistance within the woman herself. By fighting with courage, virtue and faith, the woman almost resists to attain her goal, namely happiness and peace. All of this turmoil is the struggle within the human. The woman makes the art lovers, who look at the artwork, feel that she has achieved her goal.
Happy women and men at the right side of the artwork represent angels. In fact, the existence of these angels depicts the hope of people in struggle to attain peace on the left side of the work, and the angels are almost a hologram of this hope of people in struggle. The women and men depicted as angels and the birds sadly look at people who are struggling to attain happiness and try to show them the right way to attain peace. However, not every person can struggle to attain peace, since they cannot find the courage and qualities necessary for the struggle for happiness.
Saadi reaches wisdom from available knowledge in his marvelous work, Parmis.